Private Equity
Private Equity is the investment in shares of a privately held company. There is usually no planned exit at the point of investment. Rather the company hopes to take a number of years to build itself into a considerably larger and profitable entity.
The shareholders may choose at some time to exit via going public (i.e. via an IPO or RTO) or by selling all or part of the company or via a merger. But the current focus is in increasing shareholder value by RAPID GROWTH.
The most recent PE raise we conducted was for Levenswater, a super-premium gin company with proprietary gin formulations, and proprietary technology which speeds up the manufacturing process dramatically. In late 2021 Levenswater is gearing up to launch a line of gin-based, bottled, mixed cocktails (e.g. Cosmopolitan, Negroni and more)..
We followed this by being part of a successful raise for Gold Hart Mining, a Toronto based company that owns 3 gold mines in Chile, adjacent to properties owned by the world’s largest gold miners.
Recently we raised funds for our first US real estate offering. this is a partnership with Toronto-based Distinct Real Estate to develop “workforce housing” projects in Memphis These are short term projects near major employers where we buy existing low rise and townhouse devlopments, fully renovate them and rent them for much increased rents. The projects are to be sold within 5 years of their start date.
In the summer of 2021 we brought what we feel is our best product ever to the market. The Can-Am Self Storage LP (and its US counterpart) is a series of JV’s with the largest develop of Self Storage properties in the US. These projects are rare. They are concentrated in 3 parts of the US. The properties are purchased after much scrutiny, due diligence and the use of advanced AI tools. Then the state of the art, large self storage facilities are built and then they are sold to the highest bidder, usually one of the largest REITS in the US. Theeir history is impeccable and their profits have been very impressive for these short term US development ventures.